BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management

Whether you’re a professional project manager or a professional with projects to manage, this qualification will give you the strategic (systems) thinking, adaptive management, and project leadership needed to deliver business outcomes.


This engaging and career-elevating course is delivered through 12 facilitated training sessions, structured into four Modules: 

  • Module 1: Delivering Successful Projects 
  • Module 2: The Science of Project Management 
  • Module 3: The People Side of Projects     
  • Module 4: The Art of Project Leadership  

Successful completion of all four modules results in the award of the nationally recognised BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management.  

Dates & other details

Dates for next intake

  • Dates for March Intake

Four learning modules

As you progress through the four learning modules, you will move from technical skills (scoping, scheduling, budgeting...) to non-technical skills (complexity, stakeholders, politics...) – hard to soft, tangible to intangible, defined to ambiguous, black-and-white to the grey zone. 

  • Module 1 - "Delivering Successful Projects" – involves 4 training sessions covering an overview of project management at both a high-level, by understanding the connection to benefits/outcomes, and a detailed-level by defining and managing project scope.    
  • Module 2 - "The Science of Project Management" – involves 4 training sessions that drill down into the tools and techniques involved with planning, managing, and reporting on project schedule, cost, quality and risk. We finish with an exploration complexity models and strategies for leading in complex environments. 
  • Module 3 - "The People Side of Projects" – involves 2 training sessions exploring governance, communication, information management, and that all-important skillset of stakeholder engagement. We embrace the grey-zone by looking at not just the tools and techniques that support these functions, but the psychology behind human behaviour and decision making. The module begins with a 1:1 personal coaching session and continues with weekly peer-coaching sessions that provide real-time support as learners implement actions from their personal development plan, in life and at work, to develop emotional intelligence and leadership skills.     
  • Module 4 - "The Art of Project Leadership" – involves 2 training sessions that focus on leadership practices and mindset. We explore leading research in the areas of emotionally intelligence, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, and high-performing project teams. Peer-coaching sessions continue throughout this module, concluding with a second personal coaching session to reflect on personal growth during the course and future learning goals. 

What's included

The course includes:

  • 12 Facilitated training sessions - involving presentations, discussions, and team-based activities.
  • 4 Assessment Webinars - to walk you through what you need to submit in each module assessment
  • 2 Personal Coaching Sessions - these confidential, 1-on-1 sessions will support you to plan (session 1) and review (session 2) practical actions to develop emotional intelligence and leadership skills.
  • 8+ Peer Coaching Sessions - in these structured peer support sessions, you will coach and be coached by fellow students as you implement the actions identified with your personal coach.
  • Resource Hub – your one-stop-shop for everything you’ll need throughout the course, including learning and assessment resources, generic project management templates to help put what you’ve learned into practice, supporting content and bonus readings for those who like to dive a bit deeper, and recordings of all online events so you can catch up or hear it again.
  • Student Support – our student support team is always there if you have questions or issues along the way.  

Who should attend

This course is targeted at people with projects from any industry or sector. Students come from a wide range of technical backgrounds, including:

  • Construction, engineering, infrastructure, Defence, and other industries that deliver 'hard' projects that deliver physical assets
  • Environment, climate change, education, social, justice, health, SDG projects and other 'soft' projects and programs with more complex, long-term outcomes  
  • Business, IT, organisational change, start-ups, and other commercial projects...
  • ...and everything in between. 

Examples of roles:

  • Project Manager
  • Project Officer / Senior Project Officer
  • Program Manager
  • Work Package Manager
  • Technical Project Lead
  • Project team leader
  • Event Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Change/Transformation Manager
  • PMO manager

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enrol in this course, you must:

  1. Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen residing in Australia 
  2. Have at least one year of experience working on projects of any size or type, either as project manager or as a team member responsible for managing a component of  project. 

Units of Competency

There are 12 units of competency in this qualification.

Core Units:

  • BSBPMG540 – Manage project integration
  • BSBPMG530 – Manage project scope
  • BSBPMG531 – Manage project time
  • BSBPMG532 – Manage project quality
  • BSBPMG533 – Manage project cost
  • BSBPMG536 – Manage project risk
  • BSBPMG535 – Manage project information and communication
  • BSBPMG534 – Manage project human resources

Elective Units:

  • BSBPMG538 – Manage project stakeholder engagement 
  • BSBPMG539 – Manage project governance 
  • BSBTWK502 – Manage team effectiveness
  • BSBPEF502 – Develop and use emotional intelligence

Assessment FAQs

How long do I have to complete the assessment?

You have 12 months from the start date of your course to complete all assessments. Typically, all Module Assessments are completed within 9 months. Note, this is about half of the standard timeframe for a Diploma qualification, due to our pre-requisite that learners have at least 1 year of experience working on projects. 

What support is available to help me complete the assessment?

Our Support Team is available weekdays as your first point of contact. If they can't answer your question, then they will forward your enquiry to your assessor who will respond directly to you.

How will I get feedback on my assessments?

Assessments are submitted, and results provided, through our secure Student Portal. Once you submit your assessment through the Student Portal, your assessor will provide results and written feedback within 10 days. If further work is required to pass the assessment, then you will have the opportunity to resubmit the assessment, taking into account your assessor's comments. If needed, further guidance and support may be provided by email, phone, or online meeting.  

How much work is the assessment outside training sessions?

Based on feedback from former students, it takes approximately 60 hours over a 9-12 month duration.

Can I use workplace examples from past projects for my assessment?

Yes, provided you substantially contributed to the documents (i.e. they represent your work); they are no more than 5 years old; and they are not classified (i.e. do not require any form of security clearance), then you may provide evidence from past projects in the work-based assessment tasks. Assessors and administrative staff who may have access the documents are bound by confidentiality agreements and all work-based evidence is deleted from our servers 6-months after course completion.

The Elemental Learner Handbook outlines our cooling off period and other policies and information for students. 

Pricing notes

As a nationally accredited qualification, all course fees are GST exempt.

Discounts for groups and early bird registrations

  • For group bookings, a $300 per person discount is applied - simply register 3+ people in the same intake when you click "register" above, or email to request an invoice.
  • For early birds, a $300 per person discount is applied when you register 60 days before course commencement.
  • Access both discounts by registering 3 or more people, at least 2 months before course commencement.

If after paying for this course, you are found to be ineligible, then your fees will be refunded minus a $200 administration fee.